Parkland Teachers' Local 10 Association Bylaws


Parkland Teachers’ Local 10 Association Bylaws

Revised Fall 1988; November 1, 1989; May 2, 1990; October 2, 1996; November 3, 1999; March 7, 2001; December 3, 2003; September 1, 2004; May 25, 2005; September 6, 2006; May 23, 2007; November 7, 2007; July 1, 2008; May 5, 2015; May 24, 2016; May 23, 2018; June 20, 2024



I.       FINANCE

A.  KILOMETRAGE – Members driving vehicles on approved Association business shall be paid at a rate equivalent to the rate offered by the Provincial Alberta Teachers Association. 

B.  ACCOMMODATION – If accommodation is required on approved Association business, it shall be paid for upon the production of receipts.

C.  MEALS – If meals are required on approved Association business, they shall be paid for upon the production of receipts. A meal allowance shall be paid in the amount of $20 for attending Local Council held online or when doing association business, no receipt will be required.

D.  MISCELLANEOUS – Other reasonable expenses as approved by table officers committee incurred by members on approved Association business shall be paid.  All expenses must be accompanied by receipts.


1.      An annual honorarium in the amount of twenty-four hundred dollars ($2400.00) shall be paid to the president.  

2.   An annual honorarium in the amount of one thousand dollars ($1000.00) shall be paid to each vice-president, the past president, and the secretary.

3.   An annual honorarium in the amount of three thousand dollars ($3000.00) shall be paid to the treasurer.  

4.  The Professional Development (PD) chair, Annual Representative Assembly (ARA) chair, Communications Officer (CO), Teacher Welfare (TW) chair, Negotiating Sub-Committee (NSC) chair, Web Manager, Technology Specialist and Political Engagement Officer shall receive an annual honorarium of five hundred dollars ($500.00).

5.   EPC members in attendance at Teacher/Board negotiating meetings shall be paid the daily subsistence rate per meeting.

6.     All members of local council shall receive the daily subsistence for attending a function where such subsistence is covered by a Grant-in-Aid (GIA) from The Alberta Teachers’ Association.

7.      The daily subsistence rate is twenty dollars ($20).

F.      PRESIDENTIAL RELEASE – the local will reimburse Parkland School Division 70 for the cost of the president’s salary (grid, allowances being earned, and benefit costs) to a maximum of 0.5 FTE.  The president shall not be eligible for payment of any allowance not being actively earned during the term of office.


1.      Failure of a member to notify the appropriate individual or agency when unable to attend a prepaid activity will result in the member being held responsible to reimburse the local for any resulting financial loss unless a satisfactory reason is provided to the table officers committee.

2.      Local representatives (ARA) will receive a fixed amount to cover all expenses incurred at the representative assemblies.  The amount will be determined annually by the table officers committee.

3.      Each chair of a standing committee is responsible to monitor expenditures in the appropriate budget line(s).  All attempts must be made to keep within budget.

4.      The table officers committee shall monitor all budget lines quarterly.

5.      Honoraria/subsistence shall be paid by June 8 annually. 

6.      The local will cover child care expenses while attending local ATA meetings (not including general meetings, and not including meetings covered by grant-in-aid) to a maximum of $10.00.

7.      The annual maintenance fee per school for ATA trophies at school levels will be $50.00 per school year.

8.      The annual World Teachers’ Day fee per school for teacher appreciation shall be $2 per FTE based on the June 30 FTE count of the previous school year with a minimum of $10.00 available for any school.  Claims shall be paid upon the production of receipts.

9.      All expense claims must be submitted for payment on or before June 30 of the financial year in which they were incurred.

10.  Local monies shall not be loaned to any member of the local for personal expenses.  Any expenses occurred to an individual while performing local business shall be submitted with receipts for reimbursement.


A.    Local Association Office

1.      Mailing Address – the local shall pay the rental of a postal office box for local association business.

2.      Office space lease –local office space shall be maintained.  The table officers committee can authorize the president to re-negotiate lease or location changes.

3.      Personnel

a.    Office Assistant (OA) – the local will cover the cost of an office assistant.

       i.  The OA will provide hours of service as specified by the table officers committee.

       ii.  Duties of the OA shall be to assist all table officers and committee chairs of the local, to prepare and distribute minutes of all local council meetings, to operate the office including answering phones, email and correspondence, and any other duties as assigned by the table officers committee.

       iii.  The president shall oversee all duties and responsibilities of the OA.

4.      Access – all members of the table officers committee and the OA will have keys for access to the local association office.  Outgoing members of the table officers committee must return office keys by the June 30 termination date.

5.      Telephone/Fax – a local office phone and fax line shall be maintained.  The president and treasurer shall be responsible for any plan changes.

B.     Banking

1.      Bank and Account – the local shall maintain a chequing account for payment of expenses of the local.

2.      Signing Authority – Any one signature of the president or the treasurer shall be required as signing authority on the account.

3.      Investments – the treasurer can use discretion in investing funds of the local in short-term investments providing they are easily accessible and do not cause any undue hardship to the local’s ability to pay necessary expenses.  A monthly report of investments shall be presented to the table officers committee.

4. No credit cards shall be issued in the name of Parkland Teachers’ Local 10.

5. No individual with signing authority shall sign disbursement of funds to themselves.  

C.     Committees

1.  Frames of Reference – all standing committees must have a frame of reference on file    in the local office.