Global Call to Action - Create a Project for Peace

Earth Week Challenge



Two upcoming events for Earth Day/ Earth Week would be marvellous activities for all of Parkland Schools to be involved.  They would be ways we can promote peace.  PeaceJam and Albertans Heading for Peace encourage everyone to get involved.

 1.     Lights Out Canada is the first challenge.     Keleigh Annau

This is an international event taking place on April 22 – Earth Day.  We are asked to turn out our school lights and incorporate ideas on Global Warming into our lesson plans that day – Why is it occurring? How can one person make a difference?  This would happen differently at every school, but could EVERY SCHOOL get involved in this awareness program at some level?  Last year over 100 000 students in 10 countries participated; perhaps this year, on April 22, we could join them.  Although there is much more you can do if your school wishes, we are proposing that all schools at least -

     ·         pick one staff member to coordinate and communicate the event

·         one teacher in every school plan or follow the provided lesson plans to share ideas on Global Warming with their students.  Some lesson plans are provided on the website

·         for one hour the school shut out all lights where ever possible, reduce to half-lighting wherever possible, and shut off all electronic devices that drain electricity (perhaps only running those computers that are absolutely necessary for the one hour.) We hope to get a meter reading of how much this reduces electricity.

·         register your school at

·         email us at to let us know what you did (High Park School)

·         resource package from Lights Out also available on their website

2.     Global Action Week 2009: THE BIG READ   supported by the Canadian Teachers’ Federation

Dwayne Hodgson, National Coordinator or or 613 232 3569 x 238

This is a global action campaign asks us to read with our students to “tell politicians and journalists that we need to provide quality education to the 75 million children and 774 million adults who do not have this basic human right.” During the week of April 20 to 26, join us in promoting this theme of literacy by participating in the BIG READ.  Again, at a minimum, we would ask all schools to –

·         pick one staff member to coordinate and communicate the event

·         pick a time or range of class periods where all teachers commit to share stories of literacy with their students (provided on the website for all grade levels; some videos are also provided)

·         register your school at and you’ll immediately receive a resource package. It contains the online readings you might use, posters and more. (link to French language resources also on site)

·         email us at to let us know what you did (High Park School)

This group also asks us to fill in a validation form and online petition after you participate.


Do you accept the challenge?                      

On behalf of PeaceJam – Albertans Heading for Peace

Marianne Rogers, High Park School


Students Challenge Teachers to Commit to a Peace Project
On Wednesday, November 05, six Parkland students presented their peace promotion project to the Parkland Teachers’ Local 10.  With great enthusiasm, the students challenged the teachers to commit acts of peace.  They invited all teachers to join them in making Alberta a leader in understanding that peace is an option if we all do our part. Ashley, Ashleigh, Megan, Tate, Natalie and Stefan told of their partnership with Nobel Peace Laureate Jody Williams, who provides them with inspiration and support. Through their affiliation with PeaceJam, a group formed by ten Nobel Peace Laureates, every act of peace registered will contribute to the Global Call to Action – to have youth of the world commit One Billion Acts of Peace by the year 2018.  



























The teachers asked questions and complimented the students on the commitment they are showing.  Many already have ideas on how they can get involved and plan to spread the word to other teachers. 

Albertans Heading for Peace (AHFP), created by these three High Park Students, three Memorial Composite and two High Park staff members, has a goal to encourage and support every classroom in Parkland to plan, research, carry out and report on an act of peace.  Recognizing that many acts of peace and community service are already being done in our schools, the students thought this would be the ideal place to start a new awareness.  Their aim is to reduce the incidence of violence in our community.  The students have created a website giving information on acts of peace. (  It also includes links to the ten categories assigned by the Nobel Laureates to help assist youth.

 “We call ourselves Albertans Heading for Peace because we want Parkland schools to act as the headquarters for peace.  First we want the schools to commit an act of peace.  We’ll register this with the Nobel Laureate’s Global Call to Action. Then we want them to challenge another school, or school division to join and commit an act of peace of their own.  AHFP will act as the central registration so we can keep track of all the wonderful projects.”  says teacher leader Marianne Rogers.

The students have already spoken to the principals through the leadership group, and plan to present their plan to the School Board in December.  In addition they begin a “road show” of presentations to groups such as Stony Plain’s Family and Community Support Services, the Rotary Club and the Legion.  On November 25 they will tour schools in the Whitecourt and Onoway area to spread the message. “Once we get Parkland Schools launched, we will be spreading the message across Alberta.  We want to prove to the world that Albertans can and do take action for peace.” Ashley reminds us.  Stefan firmly believes that, “It is going to be a life changing experience.  I love presenting and knowing that what I am doing might just make a difference.” More information on this project can be found at or by emailing .  Albertans Heading for Peace are affiliated with and .