Last Update: December 5, 2017
To go previous years: 2006 -2007, more 2006, 2005, 2004 *some links are Members Only
June 2017-November 2017
Do you like to Golf?
Congratulations to Robert Twerdoclib who has been elected as Central-North newest District Representative!
Dedicated Service to the Local Award
Parkland Teachers' Local 10 is proud to award the 2017 Dedicated Service award to Mr. Paul McCann. Thank you, Paul, for the many years of service, leadership, and dedication to the members of our Local.
Teachers' Convention Thank You!
Parkland Teachers' would like to thank the following teachers who presented at NCTCA this year.
Darryl Weisenburger
Mona Holton
Corbin Musselman
Brad Langdale
Jessie Krefting
Shelley Ouellette
Alice A. Prophète
Scott Onuczko
Reuben Mahaffy
Patricia Wierstra
Thank you for helping to make NCTCA 17' a success. If you are interested in presenting at next year's Convention, applications for presenters is now open. You can go to this link:
Teacher Tax Credit Information
Information for teachers when it comes to the Federal School Supply Tax Credit Program that is new this year. Please follow the following link here.
A Reminder to all Teachers...
We remind all of our colleagues to not be moving furniture, washing walls and floors or doing anything that is the responsibility of other employees of our district.
Please follow OHS guidelines in terms of what you can and can't do. You are a professional teacher, and should only be doing educational tasks as part of your work duties. If you have any questions, please contact Parkland Teachers' Local offices for any clarification.
Optimize your HSA
We have created a video to help you claim the premiums you pay every month in your HSA. Please watch the video here.
Malatest Results
For those that are interested, here is the Malatest Workload Study where thousands of teachers across Alberta spent over a year documenting their daily, weekly, and monthly workload. An interesting read, but no surprises from what we all expected.
PRESIDENT’S REPORT – Wednesday, June 7 2017
I can’t believe it is June already. This year has flown by from my perspective. Especially since Teachers’ Convention. It seems like yesterday that we were having our first local council meeting in September, and our planning had just begun to complete our many goals for the Local.
We have had an eventful and quite busy year for our Local. As I covered a lot of information for the year in my annual report given two weeks ago at our AGM, I will keep this report brief.
A few things important events have occurred during the last month. Our Central Bargaining negotiations were voted on by the provincial membership, and passed. Since then, TEBA has since voted and ratified the agreement. What this means is, that we are now moving full force into local bargaining. Our EPC and NSC are working hard to prepare for our opening proposal with our employer. The EPC will be meeting with teachers in the near future, to hold focus groups to see if anything that is not already in our proposal, and teachers would like have included.
We are also in the midst of a District Representative By-election. Robert Twerdoclib and James Hansen are the candidates for this position. Voting is open and will continue until June 8th at 5:00 pm. I would urge you to go back to your colleagues and make sure they are aware, and that they vote by tomorrow. This is an important election, and our DR is our voice at PEC.
As most of you are aware, this will be my last President’s Report not only for the year but ever. It has been my absolute pleasure to serve as your President over the last four years. I have enjoyed my time immensely, and will miss leading local council meetings, interactions with members when I visited schools, and representing you at the many meetings that occur over the year. I’m not sure what the future holds for me in terms of the ATA, but I will be back in some aspect or another. I have felt privileged to be your President, and I want to thank you for having faith in me. Thank you to everyone.
I will conclude by wishing all of our teachers within Parkland Teachers’ a wonderful, safe, and restful summer. Enjoy your time with family and friends. Read a book you have put off for too long. Go to a place you have always wanted to visit, and visit with a friend on a patio with a nice drink on a hot summer day. Summer will pass quickly, so we shall see you again at the beginning of September.
Respectfully submitted by Gary Hanna
- Empowering Writers Workshop - Alberta worksh ops: Red Deer - Expository Writing April 23; Edmonton - Narrative Writing April 24
Statistics Canada adjusts AAWE calculations On March 31, 2009, Statistics Canada restated the Alberta Average Weekly Earnings data back to 2001. The Government of Alberta, The Alberta Teachers' Association and The Alberta School Boards Association have committed to working together to explore the implications of this change and to finding a resolution that honours and respects collective agreements. (click article title for more information.) - copied from
More information on this topic can be found at .
- Our Professional Development Committee is hosting a book study on Hold On To Your Kids. Two more meetings will be held at the Local Office throughout April and early May. For more information contact the local office 780.963.5898.
- Albertans Heading for Peace issue an Earth Day Challenge to all Parkland School Division Schools. On April 22 we hope all participate in Lights Out! and The BIG Read.
- Our congratulations go out to Sharon Armstrong who has been elected as Vice President of the ATA. Way to go Sharon! We are pleased to announce that our President, Robert Twerdoclib has been declared elected by acclamation as District Representative in North Central . the full results
- Parkland Teachers' Local 10 Supports the Association's initiative on Real Learning First and Motion 503. We urge you to contact your MLA. Results of the private members bill will be announced soon
- Planning maternity leave? Family Planning and Materity Leave Information Session to be held Feb. 12. (For Members Only)
- Students present Albertans Heading for Peace to Local Council. Teachers are challenged to answer the Global Call to Action.
- Planning maternity leave? Family Planning and Materity Leave Information Session to be held Feb. 12.
2008 - 2009
Dec. 8 - North Central Teachers' Convention Association program booklet is brought online -
Nov. 17 - Collective Agreement
Nov. 5 - Information on upcoming North Central Teachers' Convention (Report to Local Council)
Retirement and Induction:
Parkland Teachers’ Local 10 Annual Induction and Retirement Dinner was held on Monday, October 27, 2008 with over 70 people in attendance. Hosted by Table Officers of the Local, nine new teachers were inducted and 15 teachers were honoured as they begin their retirement. Invited guests of the Local included ATA District Representative Sharon Armstrong, who brought greetings and well wishes from Provincial Executive Council as well as performing the induction ceremony for our new teachers. Other invited guests included Parkland School Division Board of Trustees and Executive Staff.
President Robert Twerdoclib introduced each of the retiring teachers with honouring words, and presented on behalf of the teachers of the Local, a keepsake gift recognizing their contributions to children and to education.
More photos in the photo gallery
Members Only
(members will need to sign in with their password)
Summer Conference Reports
Update to the Salary Grid - August 27, 2008
Upcoming sessions for teachers
Contracts and Benefits Orientation Session - 4:30 Thursday, September 18 at Parkland Teachers' Local Office(address)
- A one-hour session to familiarize you with your Collective Agreement, benefit plans and free application to one of the Specialist Council of The Alberta Teachers' Association. Snacks and refreshments will be served. Contact 780 963 5898 or to register.
Beginning Teachers' Conference - Thursday evening, Friday and Saturday, September 25-27, 2008 at The Fantasyland Hotel, Edmonton
- This conference is free of charge to teachers new to the teaching profession. Network with colleagues and learn about classroom management, student assessment, technology integration, winning strategies, and working with parents. Reception, breakfasts and lunches are included. Contact your principal for release time arrangements and registration forms.
Parkland Teachers' Local 10 Induction and Retirement Ceremony - 5:30 Monday, October 27, 2008 at the Spruce Grove Motor Inn, Spruce Grove
- This reception and dinner welcomes you and provides an opportunity for you (new teachers and teachers new to the province) to be officially inducted into the teaching profession. Also at this function, the Local recognizes the service of those members who recently retired. The Local will host you and guest, along with a member of your teaching staff. Watch for details and registration coming to your school.
UN – BELIZABLE – II - a Report by Robert Twerdoclib, President
Last summer I volunteered to work with teachers of English Language Arts in Belize, and again this summer I was selected to work with the same group of educators. Sponsored by the Rotary Clubs of Northern Alberta, and entitled “Literacy Belize”, this program has about 24 Alberta teachers instructing best practices to Belizean teachers. Sites across the country were established through the Belizean Ministry of Education, billets were arranged through Rotary, and the two weeks of instruction were once again enriching. The program spanned July 25 to August 11, 2008. I was encouraged by how these colleagues now use pedagogical language in their discussions and their challenging of “our way of doing things” made for many hours of deliberation, discussion and debate. I commend and thank Table Officers of the Local for their continued financial support of this endeavour as their sponsorship enables my participation. More Belizian Photos
Parkland Local 10's Annual General Meeting was held on Wednesday, May 28th at Spruce Grove Motor Inn beginning at 4:30. This meeting was a closed meeting for members only. 2008AGMMayPoster.jpg
March 17, 2008 - Fact Sheets for Teachers
March 10th to 14th - Celebrate our Substitute Teachers for all they do to support education - Substitute Teachers' Week
February 1, 2008 Agreement on the Unfunded Liability of the Pension Plan
January 11, 2008: At a January 10th General Meeting of the Bargaining Unit,
· Parkland Teachers voted unanimously to accept the Memorandum of Agreement.
· The terms of the agreement come into affect IF the Provincial Memorandum of Agreement on Unfunded Pension is accepted.
· At that time, we have assurances that the Health Spending funds for Sept. 2007 to the time of the acceptance will be available for use.
· In addition, Salary Grids will be updated and retroactive pay will be issued in a timely manner, most likely the following month.
· Parkland teachers also voted on the Provincial Memorandum of Agreement on Unfunded Pension. The results of this vote will be announced once all 62 Locals have conducted their votes.
Members only:
January 7, 2008 Joint News Release: Parkland Board of Trustees and Parkland Teachers’ Local 10 of the Alberta Teachers’ Association to support Provincial Memorandum of Agreement
January 6, 2008 Memorandum to teachers
- (green sheet) has been issued outlining the latest news on Bargaining for Parkland Teachers. Links to Parkland Memorandum of Agreement January 4, 2008 and Pension Agreement are included.
Teachers are encouraged to attend the General Meeting of the Bargaining Unit on Thursday, January 10, 2008 at 4:30 at Spruce Grove Composite High to vote on both the Provincial MofA regarding the Pension Unfunded Liability and the Parkland MofA signed last week. Copies of the two Memoranda will NOT be available at the meeting, so please bring your own copies if you need them.
Unfunded Pension Liability Memorandum of Agreement November 26:
Over 90% of ERA delegates vote in favour of the Memorandum of agreement
Sept. 5 - Arbitration Process - more dates for Arbitration hearings added

Retirement and Induction Dinner, 2008
On October 29th, Parkland Teachers' Local 10 hosted a dinner to honour our newest retirees and inductees. New and experienced teachers shared their hopes and memories, and their love of children and teaching.
Inductees attending the dinner: Travis Kinney, Bruce Kolody, Lynn Lang, Donna McGregor, Oumy Ndir, Alice Prophete, Nichole Quiring Piercy, Bobbi-Jean Robertson, Katy Rogal, Jorgianne Talbot; Guests include trustees and senior executive from Parkland School Division 70. |
Retirees attending the dinner: Ross Akins, Ian Befus, Claudette Brown, Richard Epp, Marilyn Fossum, Susan Lehman, Vic Lehman, Roberta Milner, Don Sinkwich, Nancy St. Amand and Shirley Strocki.Retirement and Induction Dinner |
Retirement and Induction Dinner
On October 29th, Parkland Teachers' Local 10 hosted a dinner to honour our newest retirees and inductees. New and experienced teachers shared their hopes and memories, and their love of children and teaching.
Inductees attending the dinner: Travis Kinney, Bruce Kolody, Lynn Lang, Donna McGregor, Oumy Ndir, Alice Prophete, Nichole Quiring Piercy, Bobbi-Jean Robertson, Katy Rogal, Jorgianne Talbot; Guests include trustees and senior executive from Parkland School Division 70.Inductees attending the dinner: Travis Kinney, Bruce Kolody, Lynn Lang, Donna McGregor, Oumy Ndir, Alice Prophete, Nichole Quiring Piercy, Bobbi-Jean Robertson, Katy Rogal, Jorgianne Talbot; Guests include trustees and senior executive from Parkland School Division 70.Retirement and Induction Dinner
At the ATA Summer Conference each year, locals send delegates to meet with fellow members. The major purpose of the conference is to verse the delegates in informative activities that relate to the volunteer function they perform for the association. This summer, Parkland Local sent four delegates. More photos
The week spent at the ATA Summer Conference was both enjoyable and informative. Admittedly, I had little idea what to expect from the Local Programs Course in which I was enrolled. Once I discovered that the seminar was filled with many of the vice presidents and presidents of the Alberta locals, who also had little idea what to expect, I felt more at ease. The media and political tactics which we had already implemented during our strike, were discussed at length for the locals who make up part of the 52 bargaining units without a contract as of August 31. Dave, Marianne, Karen and I found ourselves to be celebrities to many of the other locals, having already experienced what these locals may experience in the immediate future. Interesting … I didn’t feel like an expert, yet I had my advice solicited on a number of occasions. Although much of what was talked about in the seminars was familiar to me, there were several areas that were new and of great interest, particularly that of the law and the teaching profession (legislation under which we are bound as teachers). That is an area I would be interested in pursuing. Also, it became apparent how important this fall election is, and how important it will be to establish (good) relations with the new Board.
Jennifer Blum
Make it Stick – this year’s theme for participants in the Local Communications Officers’ Seminar addressed bringing a creative flair to exploring effective communication. A strong focus was placed on refining the message to one clear idea that would remain with the recipients. Is it achieved through evocative pictures, meaningful headlines, humorous advertising or catchy jingles? How do you refine the message so that it is simply elegant, remaining in the minds and hearts of the target audience? What is the best medium and most creative manner to get the messages and calls to action out in the public eye?
The formal part of my five days at ATA Summer Conference 2007 began with when and how to partner with paid consultants to assist in getting out the message. It then smoothly segwayed into an examination of effective photography; engaging an artistic eye capturing everyday photos. Later, Banff Centre Photography Facilitator Sarah Fuller invited us into her darkrooms to apply alternative photographic methods to our photos. Photography became our ongoing assignment – capture Summer Conference in Banff with a single photograph, to be included in a presentation on day five. The rest of the conference was viewed through the camera lenses. On day two we discussed the essence of communicating political affairs, and the importance of understanding the impact a letter to Alberta Education might have – Did you know that following up on a ministerial reply requires more time and attention by the ministry to draft a more personal and researched answer? Our next task was to listen to the message from Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die by Chip Heath and Dan Heath, which we immediately put to use by our small groups planning print advertisements for World Teachers’ Day on October 5th. Day three combined the ATA key messages and campaigns with Barbara Scott’s praising presentation on the power of narrative – even when presenting statistics. The classrooms sessions were concluded by an engaging performance by Phyllis Wheaton – musical historian of Canadian history – providing her talent, humour and insight to our final photographic exhibition. The overall effect was creative communication makes the message stick.
What about outside the classrooms when the sessions were over? Positive people - meetings, planning sessions, conversations, laughter, debates, clarifications, hill hiking, introductions, team building – and don’t forget the best ice cream on the planet, pecan pie and DANCING.
Marianne Rogers
I attended the course for chairs of Professional Development Committees. Here is what we did:· We learned about the characteristics of effective PD
· We went over curriculum implementation schedules to help anticipate PD needs.
· We discussed education issues in Alberta.
· We went over the results of last year’s PD survey and discussed the trends that have emerged across the province.
· We toured the section of the ATA website that is for the use of PD Chairs.
· We discussed Professional Growth Plans and reviewed what\s required, what isn’t and the assistance available for teachers on the ATA website.
· We identified those we could work with to support the plans of the PD Committee – Specialist Council policies, school divisions, convention boards, regional learning consortia, and ATA PD Facilitators.
Most important, perhaps, was the opportunity to talk with other PD Chairs and share ideas.
Karen McAmmond
As a first time participant at Summer Conference (in the Local Program Course), I have found the week an incredible experience. Working with the other participants has been a very rewarding experience. The sessions for the most part have been very informative and interesting.
The opportunity to network with others executives from all over the province has been very exciting. This has been made even more interesting because of first having gone through the strike and being still in arbitration, has brought us into some very heavy discussion about next year’s labour situation. As well, with Robert (Twerdoclib) unable to attend the conference, I was asked by the District Representative to sit in on and participate in many of the Presidents’ sessions. One of the best aspects of the information presented it that it is offered in such a global (province wide) manner. It really helped put our situation in context of education in the province. It has also been great to hear the constant expression of ongoing support and best wishes from province wide members to our situation. Many offered congratulations for the “professionalism” with which members of Parkland Local conducted themselves during last year’s labour strife. Overall, Summer Conference 2007 was one of the best PD experiences I have ever had.